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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Gatchaman costume

This is my current work right now. Gatchaman/ G-force ,white eagle. I make the helmet from resin. I use car filler/bondo for sculpting.

Thats me doing the sculpting, I wear mask because bondo bad for your lung . Safety first guys!

This is the basic shape, still rough

after sanding to get smooth surface. And Apply poxy paint

This is the beak, I mold it and casting it for vaccum forming

here we go, we got the copy beak :)

This is vaccum forming process, I use PU plastic, I try to use plexy glass but it kinda difficult because PG thick and can't form nicely as PU plastic, but I'm still trying for PG

Here we go, our beak visor made from PU plastic

My friend a Malaysian ask me to do commision for him, he want gatchaman eva foam helmet :).

now I'm still working on it and will keep it in update

HEllo.. I just upload my latest update,

this is swan n swallow progress, I make the beak model for vaccum forming

here is the beak of swan n swallow after vaccum forming

paint job, cover the eva foam helmet with some waterproof

here we go, i paint the beak using tint color, using air brush

after paint


 G-force gatchaman ready for action

hahahaha, thats me trying the helmet.

Saturday, June 29, 2013


this time I do akibared from akibaranger
I made all part with eva foam, here is how i made the chest armor

this is the result after I apply immitation leather and color

Kiba ranger shield

Kiba shield from dairanger :)
I make the shield in a week. I'm currently working as prop maker on ACT studio Indonesia

This is the cuff , I made all from eva foam and cover it with leather immitation


Lightning final fantasy XII

Another old work of mine. this time is Lightning from final fantasy XIII
my fellow cosplayer ask me to do this commision for her :)
I use eva foam as base material and car paint for the color :)

Finissshhhh . She didn't ask me to do the Sword and the suit. so this is the final

Mandarin Spawn Cosplay

This is my work, Mandarin spawn. I made this costume in 1months . this is commision I've done for my friend

As you can see I use eva foam based material 

 My friend ask me to put a red LED on every part :) here is the pic